Adored Beast Protocols
Easy Peesy Protocol: Helps to support the body in the dissolution of Urinary Crystals. Supports bladder health and the creation of an environment that will discourage crystal formation.
Helps to support the body’s defence against recurring bladder and urinary infections
2 product kit – Easy Peesy I Homeopathic Combination 30ml Liquid, Easy Peesy II Nutraceutical Powder 50.4g Powder
Easy Peesy I Ingredients: Homeopathic Berberis and Hydrangea prepared in a 13% alcohol base Dispensed by: Treatment Pump Top. 4 pumps = 0.5ml For use in Dogs and Cats
Easy Peesy II Ingredients: Cranberry, D-Mannose, N-acetyl Glucosamine, Marshmallow Root, Uva Ursi, Nettle Leaf, Probiotic 14 strain blend, Larch Arabinogalactan, Beef Liver flavour
Yeasty Beast Protocol:Â Have you noticed brownish colouring around your dog’s lips or paws, or brown gunk in her ears? It could be a dog yeast infection.
This complete protocol is the intelligent way to help get rid dog yeast without dangerous yeast die-off. It’s a safe and effective program of gentle herbs and homeopathic remedies.
The 3 product kit contains:
- Liver Tonic – 60ml
- Yeasty Beast – homeopathic combination 30ml
- Yeasty Beast – nutraceutical powder 69g
For use in dogs only.
Leaky Gut Protocol:Â Leaky Gut Syndrome can be at the core of many different conditions, including skin disease, a compromised immune system, food allergies, digestive problems, ear infections or any common health condition that comes from an inflammatory disorder.
Instructions: After completing the 2-day pre-step (Anti-Vaccinosis), begin steps 1-2-3-4 at the same time. The products in steps 1-2-3-4 (Liver Tonic, Healthy Gut, Gut Soothe &Â Gut Seal) can be given in food together at the same time, as directed.
Note: if your dog has a sensitive stomach it is recommended that Healthy Gut is given at 1/2 the recommended dose over the course of 1-2 weeks.
Protocol consists of:
• Anti-Vaccinosis (Initial 2 Day Regime) 15 ml liquid
• Liver Tonic (Support/Detoxifier) 60 ml liquid
• Healthy Gut (Digestive Enzyme/Pre &Probiotic) 83 g powder
• Gut Soothe (Anti-inflammatory) 153 g powder